Consulting Services

Law Firm Marketing & Business Development Plans – You don’t approach a case without devising a winning game plan. Why would you put your business at risk by not strategizing on business development?

Law Firm Marketing & Business Development Audit – With the investment in time, money and staff, are you monitoring the effectiveness of your efforts? Get an objective audit and spend less, get more.

Law Marketing Staff Recruiting & Hiring – Who should we hire? How much should we be paying? Where do we get the best candidates? How do we determine requirements and skill sets? How do we hire marketing people for the long term? Let the leading lawyer in marketing search take the pain out of the process for your partners and administration.

Law Firm Retreats & CLE Programming – Get educated, energized and entertained. Walk away with skills that translate to the everyday. Receive guidance in facilitating discussion, and planning the perfect law firm retreat or in-house continuing legal education program.

Part-Time Marketing Director Retainer (PTMD) – For those without full-time marketing staff, the program provides the benefits of a CMO without the investment. For firms in transition, in need of temporary assistance or undertaking a specific project, PTMD offers an in-house presence and a resource for day-to-day inquiries.

Attorney Training and Development – Whether in large groups, smaller workshops or individual one-on-one meetings, Micah Buchdahl trains and coaches lawyers in the art of business development and professional development.

Legal Marketing & Advertising Ethics Compliance – With marketing and technology changing rapidly, the Rules of Professional Conduct are trying to keep pace. Throw in issues involving unauthorized practice of law and multi-jurisdictional issues, and just try to keep up.

Client Feedback Interviews & Surveys – From the development of major client feedback studies and focus groups to phone interviews and written surveys, the best advice is from those that know you best.

Law Firm Web Site & Internet Marketing Strategies – Building and managing your online portfolio can be overwhelming—websites, blogs, social media, mobile sites, SEO, e-mail marketing, directories and rankings to name a few—count on the Internet Marketing Attorney to guide you through the myriad of marketing technologies available.

Branding / Brand Development & Strategy – It is not just about logos, colors and taglines, but strong strategic branding and positioning in the legal marketplace. And doing it right should not break the bank.

Public Relations / Media & Press Training – The role of PR varies from law firm to law firm. We help identify the areas needed, and the proper selection of tools and investment.

To learn more about any of HTMLawyers’ consulting services, CONTACT US today. We are always happy to discuss the programs and options, providing references and referrals upon request. Due to the confidential nature of many of our projects and relationships, it is HTMLawyers’ policy not to publish client names without prior written permission. No subcontractors are used without prior agreement. We do not work with competing firms in the same market, at the same time. Ask about our exclusivity agreements on retainers and projects.

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